Friday, January 9, 2015

#AllegroGraph News

AllegroGraph News
January, 2015

In this issue

Haystax presents: Advanced Analytic Techniques for Insider Threat Detection
Haystax Logo

Wednesday, January 21, 10:00 AM Pacific

Insiders are one of the top categories of data breaches according to recent reports by the FBI, Forrester Research and Verizon. In just the last year, high profile data breaches at Target, AT&T, and Morgan Stanley show that no organization is immune and all organizations must take steps to identify and protect themselves from insider threats.
In this webinar Haystax describes an analytic approach that enables the continuous risk monitoring of insider threat based on the fusion of high and low frequency entity-related events via temporal relevance models and a probabilistic risk model. Haystax begins by providing an overview of their approach and the challenges faced when integrating events of widely disparate frequency. Next, they describe two forms of event temporal relevance they use to enable the model to fuse infrequent events (e.g. public records life events) with high frequency events (e.g. network activity). Finally, Haystax describes how they've used Franz's Allegro Common Lisp, Allegro Prolog, and AllegroGraph, with Norsys Netica to create a practical implementation of our analytic approach suitable for practical use.
To register for this webinar, see heretarget blank image.

Haystax and Franz Inc. Partner to Deliver Insider Threat Detection Solutions
Franz and Haystax Logos
Haystax Technology, Inc., and Franz Inc., announced a technology partnership that will enable Haystax to leverage Franz's AllegroGraph technology for patented algorithms and sophisticated behavior models used in Haystax's insider threat detection solutions. Haystax's solutions, which are being rapidly adopted by the U.S. government and Fortune 500 companies, are more advanced than traditional rules-based and brute-force processing approaches in identifying the types of risks and the potential impact of their actions that individuals pose to an organization.

To view the entire press release, see here.

Gruff v5.6 - Now Available
gruff screen shot
New Features include:
  • Enhanced SPARQL Endpoint Functionality
  • Dragging a node in the graph view will now snap it into alignment with other nearby nodes whenever it is nearly aligned. This makes it easier to exactly align nodes with each other horizontally or vertically, to look as good as possible for presentation. See the new option "Visual Graph Options | Node and Link Spacing | Snap Alignment Resolution" and its sibling "Snap Alignment Reach". This can be disabled by setting the resolution to zero.
  • The new command "Link | Display Non-Leaf Linked Nodes" is similar to "Link | Display Linked Nodes for the Current Predicates", but it avoids displaying any new nodes that would be leaf nodes if they were displayed. This is basically a much faster version of displaying paths between each pair of a group of highlighted nodes (or from the selected node to other displayed nodes) for paths that are up to two links long (or three links for smaller stores).
  • Efficiency improvements were made for "Link | Display Linked Nodes for the Current Predicates" (the F command).
  • The new command "Select | Highlight All Nodes" facilitates applying a command to all nodes when it's a command that works on all highligted nodes.
  • The positioning of link labels in the graph view has been improved somewhat, including sometimes stacking individual words of the label along the link line.
  • The dialogs for opening or creating a store have a new Scheme widget where you can specify HTTPS if the AllegroGraph server is configured to require secure transactions.
  • Numerous Enhancements and Optimizations

See the full list of new features and improvements in the release notes

AllegroGraph v5.0 Coming Soon!
franz logo
AllegroGraph will deliver a New 3D and multi-dimensional geospatial functionality.
AllegroGraph has long supported two-dimensional encoding in both spherical and Cartesian systems. The 5.0 release includes a new implementation called nD for "N-Dimensional". It has powerful new capabilities, a simpler, more intuitive API, and automates some of the setup tasks for geospatial.
Although the term geospatial refers specifically to positions on or around the earth's surface, AllegroGraph supports a more-general notion of n-dimensional ordinates systems that could be used in fields such as semiconductor manufacturing and biology, to name a couple.
Additional New features include:
  • Update to new Sesame 2.7.x transactional semantics
  • Update to new Apache Jena v2.6.x
  • The server supports new optional specific transaction "begin"
  • Improved support for encrypted client connections
  • WebView query page enhancements: display of execution time and abort options
  • Query Engine optimizations
  • Support for Top Braid Composer 4.6
If you are interested in receiving an early release, please send mail to

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Brief Customer and News Highlights
White Papers

White Papers
Franz was named as one of 21 NoSQL Innovators to Look for in 2020, in a post on The Wikibon technology research and advisory websitetarget blank image. because of its flagship RDF and Graph Database product, AllegroGraph.

Gartner Logo
Gartner Names Semantic Technologies To Its Top Technology Trends Impacting Information Infrastructure in 2013. Semantic technologies have made it to Gartner's list of the top technology trends that will impact information infrastructure this year. Read the full article heretarget blank image..

Pfizer Logo
Graph databases, like AllegroGraph, are one of the new technologies encouraging a rapid re-thinking of the analytics landscape. By tracking relationships - in a network of people, organizations, events and data - and applying reasoning (inference) to the data and connections, powerful new answers and insights are enabled...

Haystax named in Bisnow's "Top 5 Trends of 2014" In 2014, Haystax acquired NetCentrics Corporation, a leader in cybersecurity and network management solutions for defense and federal customers. Bisnow named this acquisition in its year-end wrap-up, "Top 5 Trends of 2014."
Read the full article heretarget blank image..
The Malaysian State of Sabah's Biodiversity Center's (SaBC) target blank image. is using AllegroGraph to run the Sabah Biodiversity Integrated Information System (SaBIIS)target blank image. AllegroGraph is the centralized RDF database used to integrate and store biodiversity data coming from more than 20 organizations that collect specimen data in different formats and schemas.
Read the press release here. (Knowledge Resource for Science and Technology Excellence, Malaysia) is an initiative, based on AllegroGraph, by MOSTI and spearheaded by MASTIC to address science and technology issues and challenges faced by the community, the ministry and the country. is designed to be a Single Point Access Facilities (SPAF) providing intelligent collaborative knowledge management and learning services platform on Science and Technology and Innovation. More info heretarget blank image..
Central Things Manager is a Drupal module being developed that uses AllegroGraph to centrally maintain data structures and content allowing Content Types, Taxonomies, and Content to be shared among many Drupal sites.
Read the full post, including a video demonstration heretarget blank image..

Recorded past Semantic Technologies Webinars: Recorded Webinars

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