Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Franz Inc. named to KMWorld Magazine's 2016 "100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management"

As knowledge management evolves, so does their list of 100 Companies That Matter in KM. Featuring basic imaging technology when it was first published years ago, the list has expanded to include a galaxy of technologies and capabilities to meet the knowledge needs of a mobile workforce. Whether the designated companies specialize in collaborative, cloud or cognitive computing or a host of other categories, their solutions represent the best in innovation, creativity and functionality.
As the definition of knowledge management has changed over the years, so too has the list, including both familiar companies that have appeared multiple times and first-time recipients of the coveted designation. New or well known, all the companies offer solutions designed to help users and customers find what they need whenever and wherever they need it... and what they need is the ability to access, analyze and share crucial knowledge.
Read the full article here.

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