Franz periodically distributes newsletters to its Semantic
Technologies, and Common Lisp based Enterprise Development Tools
mailing lists, providing information on related upcoming events and
new software product developments. The latest newsletter is displayed
below. Previous issues are listed in the Newsletter Archive.
AllegroGraph News
As Presented at Enterprise Data World 2012.
Join us - Thursday, May 24th at 10AM Pacific.
Graph databases are one of the new technologies encouraging a rapid re-thinking of the analytics landscape. By tracking relationships - in a network of people, organizations, events and data - and applying reasoning (inference) to the data and connections, powerful new answers and insights are enabled.
This presentation will explain how graph databases work, and how graphs can be used for a number of important functions, including risk management, relationship analysis and the identification of new business opportunities. It will use a case study in the manufacturing sector to demonstrate how complex relationships can be discovered and integrated into analytical systems. For example, what are the repercussions for the supply chain of a major flood in China? Which products are affected by political unrest in Thailand? Has a sub-subcontractor started selling to our competition and what does that mean for us? What happened historically to the price of an important sub-component when the prices for crude oil or any other raw material went up?
Lots of answers can be provided by graph (network) analysis that cannot be answered any other way, so it is crucial that business and BI executives learn how to use this important new tool.
May, 2012
In this issue
- Webcast: How to Use Graph Databases to Analyze Relationships, Risks and Business Opportunities
- AllegroGraph v4.6 Now Available - Solr Integration, TopBraid updates
- Semantic Technology Conf - San Francisco
- TopBraid - AllegroGraph Plugin updated
- NoSQL Now and SemTech NY
- YouTube - The AllegroGraph Channel
- Brief Highlights
As Presented at Enterprise Data World 2012.
Join us - Thursday, May 24th at 10AM Pacific.
Graph databases are one of the new technologies encouraging a rapid re-thinking of the analytics landscape. By tracking relationships - in a network of people, organizations, events and data - and applying reasoning (inference) to the data and connections, powerful new answers and insights are enabled.
This presentation will explain how graph databases work, and how graphs can be used for a number of important functions, including risk management, relationship analysis and the identification of new business opportunities. It will use a case study in the manufacturing sector to demonstrate how complex relationships can be discovered and integrated into analytical systems. For example, what are the repercussions for the supply chain of a major flood in China? Which products are affected by political unrest in Thailand? Has a sub-subcontractor started selling to our competition and what does that mean for us? What happened historically to the price of an important sub-component when the prices for crude oil or any other raw material went up?
Lots of answers can be provided by graph (network) analysis that cannot be answered any other way, so it is crucial that business and BI executives learn how to use this important new tool.
Register for this webcast here.
AllegroGraph v4.6 Now Available - Solr Integration, TopBraid updates
AllegroGraph now contains an interface to the Solr search engine for use when creating free text indexes (but users must get and install Solr). See Solr Text Indices for the details. AllegroGraph native free-text indexing is described in Free-text Indices.
San Francisco - June 3 - 7
The San Francisco Semantic Tech & Business Conference (SemTechBiz) brings together today's industry thought leaders and practitioners to explore the challenges and opportunities jointly impacting both corporate business leaders and technologists. Packed with case studies and real-world perspectives, SemTechBiz offers five comprehensive days of fresh insight and immersive learning from global experts in technology, financial services, insurance, healthcare, publishing, government, automotive and enterprise data.
Join us for Franz's tech talks on Monday, June 4th, Tuesday, June 5th, and 2 on Wednesday, June 6th, and June 6th.
With TopQuadrant's recent release of TopBraid Composer v3.6,
Franz has updated its plugin allowing interoperability between
TopBraid composer and AllegroGraph.
Join us in San Jose this summer, August 21-23, for NoSQL Now and make plans now for
your trip to NY for SemTech in October.
For additional information on the NoSQL Conference, see here.
For additional information on the SemTech NY Conference, see here.
YouTube - The AllegroGraph Channel
Videos covering AllegroGraph and related technologies.
Visit AllegroGraph's Channel here.
Brief Highlights
Semantic Case Study: EPIM ReportingHub.
The E&P Information Management Association (EPIM) launched EPIM ReportingHub (ERH), an interesting semantic technology project in the field of oil and gas.
Read the full case study here. What One Trillion Means for the Semantic
Web. Mitchell Shults commented on the significance of Franz's recent
success loading one trillion triplestores. Shults writes, Triplestores
are perfect for making sense out of extremely complex data. However, a
triplestore is only useful if massive quantities of information can be
loaded, updated and effectively queried in a reasonable amount of
time. That is why Franz's Technology announcement is so
interesting. Read the rest of the article here.
Amdocs - "Semantics - the B2C Game Changer" (Video): Bill Guinn, CTO Product Enablers, Amdocs Product Business Unit, delivered a keynote at the 2011 Semantic Technology Conference in San Francisco. His talk was one of the highlights for anyone interested in how Semantic Technology can be used in enterprise systems. Watch the video here.
AllegroGraph v4.6 Now Available - Solr Integration, TopBraid updates
AllegroGraph now contains an interface to the Solr search engine for use when creating free text indexes (but users must get and install Solr). See Solr Text Indices for the details. AllegroGraph native free-text indexing is described in Free-text Indices.
See all of the new version 4.6 features in the AllegroGraph
product description here.
The San Francisco Semantic Tech & Business Conference (SemTechBiz) brings together today's industry thought leaders and practitioners to explore the challenges and opportunities jointly impacting both corporate business leaders and technologists. Packed with case studies and real-world perspectives, SemTechBiz offers five comprehensive days of fresh insight and immersive learning from global experts in technology, financial services, insurance, healthcare, publishing, government, automotive and enterprise data.
Join us for Franz's tech talks on Monday, June 4th, Tuesday, June 5th, and 2 on Wednesday, June 6th, and June 6th.
For additional conference information, see here.
For additional information, see here.
For additional information on the NoSQL Conference, see here.
For additional information on the SemTech NY Conference, see here.
YouTube - The AllegroGraph Channel
Videos covering AllegroGraph and related technologies.
Visit AllegroGraph's Channel here.
Brief Highlights
Semantic Case Study: EPIM ReportingHub.
The E&P Information Management Association (EPIM) launched EPIM ReportingHub (ERH), an interesting semantic technology project in the field of oil and gas.
Read the full case study here.
SemTech Presentation, Wednesday, June 6: Tactical Semantics:
Extracting Situational Knowledge from Voice Transcripts using
Ontology-Driven Text Analysis. Dr. Kent D. Bimson, Vice President,
Research, Modus Operandi, Inc.
View the details here.
SemTech Presentation, Wednesday, June 6: Building a Personalized
eCommerce Agent: Introducing the Thrive.AI app. Marc C. Hadfield, CTO,
Vital AI.
View the details here.
SemTech Presentation, Wednesday, June 6: Practical Lessons in
Developing an Enterprise-Wide Semantic Application. Craig Hanson,
Director, New Products, Vision and architecture, Amdocs. View the
details here.
Intel - Big Memory, Big Data, and the
Semantic Web. "Techniques like MapReduce and NoSQL products based on
them are fine for some problems," said Mitch Shults, Mission-Critical
Segment Strategist, Intel Data Center Group. "To achieve high
performance against meaningful amounts of triplestore data, however,
you just can't afford to be traipsing all over the network to pull
things together. This result demonstrates the incredible value that
affordable large-scale, big-memory server platforms built around the
Intel Xeon E7 server platform can deliver for next-generation
workloads like triple stores." For additional information, see here.
Amdocs - "Semantics - the B2C Game Changer" (Video): Bill Guinn, CTO Product Enablers, Amdocs Product Business Unit, delivered a keynote at the 2011 Semantic Technology Conference in San Francisco. His talk was one of the highlights for anyone interested in how Semantic Technology can be used in enterprise systems. Watch the video here. (Knowledge Resource for Science and
Technology Excellence, Malaysia) is an initiative, based on
AllegroGraph, by MOSTI and spearheaded by MASTIC to address science
and technology issues and challenges faced by the community, the
ministry and the country. is designed to be a Single Point
Access Facilities (SPAF) providing intelligent collaborative knowledge
management and learning services platform on Science and Technology
and Innovation. More info
Recorded past Semantic Technologies Webinars: Recorded
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